"Babi Gosong"
Barbecue & Grilling
Its a favourite food in Indonesia. It taste smooth and delicious...
Its a recipe from our generation and its still the best until now.
500 gr pork fillet
1 ons ginger-root
1/2 ons saffron
1 gr chili
8 grain garlic
4 grain shallots
100 gr sugar
3 spoons salt soya
5 spoons sweet soya
2 lemons
1. all spices mix and stir.
2. the put the pork fillet to inside and left it 15 minutes.
3. last, roast it until have a good smell.
*Please try and enjoy the "Babi Gosong"
oh mamiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!
babiiii lu kaaa...nyehehehhee...sialannn!awas kauhh!
ampunn bah.. ampuuunnn...seribu ampunn..
ampunilah hamba yg tak berdosa ini..
masi banyak tugas yg harus hamba kerjakan..
peace yo'
i love u, __beh*
waduh esther...what happen to you ??
itu kan resep rahasia,kok jd tersebar luas gt seh...bahaya neh,nanti restoran babi kita ada yg nyaingin..hehehe...
p.s. ini resep turun temurun keluarga cukiok, skali coba bisa ketagihan!!
eh babi, jangan sok anonymous deh yeee, gw tau itu luuu..nyahahahahahha..
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHA aseli gw ngakak tapi yah ka kalo babinya macem gt mah gw ga selera makan!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHHA
si pi ngakak na sampe kedengeran ke kamar gw....
klo gtu jg gw gag mao jg...
btw che, berarti warnamu selama ini menipu...
hey guys.. it's a new recipe..
you all should try it ^^
eh yg penting mamamiaaaaa lezatooooo..c=
muahah njir si eche kaya suku pigmi
nicely done ka...wakkaka
nicely done?shit! ini eric yg edit, erika yg namabah2in jadi resep. sialannn
iiyap.. ga da poto ini, ga akan di post! :D
buset itu babi? ko kaya dakocan? huehehehhee.. XD
dakocan?! emm..no comment~
wuahahahhahaha... Xp
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