Anyway about "a theme that interests me from Design Research Themes", there are have 7 themes, those are:
1. Design for Need | Sustainable Design.
- designing for designing needs; social; cultural; and etc.
2. Conventions of Social Representation.
- physical and social representation; representation by design; multicultural grounds.
3. Meaning! Semiotic in Visual Communication.
- semiotics as a field of study, discipline and its application in design and advertising; and creative play of sign, codes and structures.
4. Functionalism in Typography Design for Printed Matter or for Digital Format.
- the role typography plays in the visual communication industry; case study; Paper and Pixel: tool shaping processes.
5. Culture, Space and Place.
- how to articulate a sense of place. (ex: Malays in India; Chinese in Malaysia; etc.)
6. New Media and Its Impact in Design.
- how has the emergence of new media and technologies shaped design and changed designer's roles?
7. Media, Truth and Perceptions: propaganda and persuasion in the media.
- How are these contents used, presented and manipulated in visual forms to convey the intended message to the public?
From those all 7 themes, I'm thinking to choose number 5, it's about Culture, Space and Place. That make me interested of it is want to know about tradition in each of countries and how they life in another place with a different environment from the original. I will try to find out the interesting article that related with this theme.